Provident: prudent, thrifty, sensible, economical

Monday, November 26, 2012


Justin commented awhile back about We took the challenge and have been using the website for several months now. We have found it very helpful in organizing our budget, tweaking it when necessary, and reducing the hassle of using a spreadsheet to keep track of finances. Also, because Mint allows us to view all of our financial accounts in one spot, It helps us pay better attention to our 401(k)s, pension plans, and other investments that we used to view only occasionally. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely a step up from where we were.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE Mint! My wife and I and at our work. We totally love it. We have the app on our phone and use it on a regular basis. I think it's a great app, and completely worth the small amount of time it takes to simply set it up and link to your accounts.

    I really enjoy personally is how they can section off what you spend on so you can see where your money is going. That's something I really enjoy being able to break down and we were actually able to ascertain that we spent too much on repairs for the house (ones we didn't need to).

    Great tool, and like you would totally recommend it too! (if you are of course!)

